Monday, 2 May 2011

Destination Branding

Destination Branding is the specialises in tourism, and the promotion of destinations. Because of the strong strategic input destination can be anything from a nation to a region, a resort to a city, an attraction to an event - or even the tour operators that help them to sell.
Branding, in turn, defines a unique set of beliefs about a destination and the sort of holidays or breaks it offers - beliefs that are equally emotional and rational, make it stand out from the competition and make it feel just right for each of its many target audiences. Many factors will go into the creation of these beliefs.
Getting it right requires clear strategic thinking - weighing up what you can offer against what your competitors are doing, what your potential visitors are looking for, and most importantly how to adapt to change.
By the word branding we do not mean your “look” – your logo, colours, design, etc. – but something far deeper. Your “look” is the quick reminder of what your destination stands for in people’s minds. The two must coincide and evolve together, but they are not the same.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Understanding Tourism

Tourism is a multi-faceted, complex industry that is facing incredible challenges to develop and retain market share within the highly-competitive global market. Tourists have become increasingly knowledgeable and are, in many cases, more interested in an experience than in a destination itself.
Success in tourism and business depends on using a strategic approach to identifying key target market opportunities then developing, marketing and delivering high quality, unique, innovative products and experiences that the consumer is looking for. Applying sustainable or "Green by Design" principles helps businesses and communities attracty new markets while providing economic, social and environmental benefits.
MCG understands how to do this. It specializes in “experience-based” tourism development and uses an integrated approach of four key marketing functions, as outlined below, in order to maximize the stimulation of economic and tourism activity for a business or destination.

Friday, 29 April 2011

British tourists and Thailand

According to the Key Note (2010) reveals that in UK outbound market, number of people traveling abroad in July 2010 shows 20% to 30% increase from the previous year. However, it appears that global economy's condotion affects this condotion, where office for National Statistics (2011) summarised that there has been a decresed of 1% in the number of UK residents' who travel abroad. Morevoer, their expenditure abroad also decrese by 5% to 6 Billion Poundsterling.

Regardless of the decresing number of people who travel abroad, it appears that those who are traveling has incresingly interested in going to long-haul destiantions, choosing more varied destinations and going further away (Travel Counsellors, 2007a). Heathrow Airport operators also confirmed this trend (Travel Counsellors, 2007b), where long haul flights are becoming more popular. Hence, as a long-haul destination for British tourists, Thialand has the chance to tap into this growing market and compete with other long-haul destinations.

UK has been of the leading European countries in trems of their tourists' arrival in Thailand. According to Thailand Tourism (2010), UK is among the key markets for Thailand tourism. The complete profile of British travellers to Thailand as observed ( Misnistry of Tourism and Sport, 2010). according to the data, the highest number of British tourists were in the age group of  25 to 34 and followed by 35 to 44. The highest number of visitors are those who work as professionals and business managers. Furthermore, male visitors have been consistently higher in number compared to famale visitors.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Thailand as a tourist destination

Thailand is often referred to as a golden land, not because there is precious metal buried underground but because the country gives off a certain lustre, be it the fertile rice fields of the central plains, white sandy beaches or the warm hospitality of its citizenry.
Thailand's cool season runs from November until the end of February. With its low humidity, relatively low temperatures and clear skies, the cool season is the best time to visit, though regular days of high 20s and low 30s might leave you wondering just who came up with the term ‘cool’. It is also the peak tourist season, so expect lots of new friends at the more popular spots like the islands and major towns.
First introductions are made in Bangkok, a modern behemoth of screaming traffic, gleaming shopping centres and international sensibilities interwoven with devout Buddhism. Chiang Mai, the country's bohemian centre, is where the unique and precise elements of Thai culture become a classroom, for cooking courses and language lessons; while climbing into the mountain ranges around Mae Hong Son you'll find stupa-studded peaks and villages of post-Stone Age cultures. Sliding down the coastal tail are the evergreen limestone islands of Ko Tao and Kho Phi Phi Don, filled with tall palms angling over pearlescent sand. Thailand's beaches are stunning, hedonistic and mythic among residents of northern latitudes.
People come here as miners: first perhaps for the uniquely Western concept of R&R. And while they toast themselves to a bronze hue on the sandy beaches, they find in the daily rhythm of Thailand a tranquillity that isn't confined to vacation time. The northeast is a region better suited for homestays and teaching gigs than quick souvenir snapshots: here, you can dive deep into the Thai psyche, emerging with a tolerance for searingly spicy food and a mastery of this strange tonal language. Welcome to a life-altering experience disguised as a holiday.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

The Important of Destination Marketing in Building Tourists' Awareness

Tourism marketing has become a significant part of tourism system. The rising number of tourist destinations in the world makes relation between tourist generating regions and tourist destination regions are no longer direct and simple, as it was presented on previous research. As tourism industry gains its importance to the economy of these tourist destinations, the need to attract more tourists has evolved into intense competition of marketing efforts between countries.

Destination marketing effort has many ways on their effort to build the awareness of potential tourists'. Awareness is the first significant step that need developed by destination marketer in order to establish further communication and marketing program. One of the common ways is to launch national campaign to promote their country. Nevertheless, as competition increases, deeper level of competition on their marketing efforts has shifted into the matter of building a destination brand.

Destination branding has been mentioned repeatedly by researchers as the answer to stand out and win the competition. It becomes an important part of tourism marketing in the 21 century. The shift on how tourists seen the destination from merely a 'product', into becoming a part of lifestyle statements build the need for destinations to gain emotional appeal in order to attract their potential visitors. Distinguishing aspect of a successful brand is how it 'delivers sustainable competitive advantage and invariably results in superior profitability and market performance' ( de Chernatony and McDonald, 2005:17). With the intensifying competition between tourist destination today, this success has become crucial objectives which every destinations are striving to achieve.

Advertisement becomes the tool to promote and reinforce destination branding initiative in order to generate market's awareness. A throughout observation between destination branding and advertising's role to promote it, is presented in this research. The focus of study is Thailand on its whole image and branding initiative, in the perspective of the UK market. Especially in the case of this year's national tourism campaign called ' Amazing Thailand Always Amazes You 2011'.

Monday, 28 February 2011

I intend to research the image of Thailand in UK consumer; attractive UK consumer and analyse general perception over Thailand as a tourist destination and awareness of its marketing campaign. Additionally, tried to observe how Thailand’s branding initiative effectively build awareness about the positive image of Thailand and build a positive attitude among the UK working population. I will be focused on Thailand’s latest national tourism campaign called ‘Thailand Grand invitation 2011’

Their knowledge on the ‘Thailand grand invitation 2011’ was also limited. It appears that Thailand still needs to develop a stronger image as a tourist destination.