Monday, 2 May 2011

Destination Branding

Destination Branding is the specialises in tourism, and the promotion of destinations. Because of the strong strategic input destination can be anything from a nation to a region, a resort to a city, an attraction to an event - or even the tour operators that help them to sell.
Branding, in turn, defines a unique set of beliefs about a destination and the sort of holidays or breaks it offers - beliefs that are equally emotional and rational, make it stand out from the competition and make it feel just right for each of its many target audiences. Many factors will go into the creation of these beliefs.
Getting it right requires clear strategic thinking - weighing up what you can offer against what your competitors are doing, what your potential visitors are looking for, and most importantly how to adapt to change.
By the word branding we do not mean your “look” – your logo, colours, design, etc. – but something far deeper. Your “look” is the quick reminder of what your destination stands for in people’s minds. The two must coincide and evolve together, but they are not the same.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Understanding Tourism

Tourism is a multi-faceted, complex industry that is facing incredible challenges to develop and retain market share within the highly-competitive global market. Tourists have become increasingly knowledgeable and are, in many cases, more interested in an experience than in a destination itself.
Success in tourism and business depends on using a strategic approach to identifying key target market opportunities then developing, marketing and delivering high quality, unique, innovative products and experiences that the consumer is looking for. Applying sustainable or "Green by Design" principles helps businesses and communities attracty new markets while providing economic, social and environmental benefits.
MCG understands how to do this. It specializes in “experience-based” tourism development and uses an integrated approach of four key marketing functions, as outlined below, in order to maximize the stimulation of economic and tourism activity for a business or destination.